AO: Ground Zero

When: 10/22/2022


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: Airbags, Gas Station, Geek squad, Lasso, Open House, Splashdown,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Gas Station

The BackBlast:

F3 Tornado Alley – 22 Oct 22
AO: Ground Zero
Conditions: Balmy 70 and and gusty. I thought this was fall trending to winter?
Q: Gas Station
PAX: Gas Station, Crawdad, Lasso, Spashdown, Open House, Airbags, The Jet, The Bolt, Geek Squad,
MISSION/5 Principles/Non-Pro Disclaimer/Risk

SSH – 30IC
Butt Kickers – 15 IC
TTT – 10IC
Give Ups – 10IC
Finkle Swings – 10 IC
Monkey Humpers – 10IC

Mosey around the campus and back to the parking lot

The Thang- Option 2
Ultimate Football
Score – 5 Burpees losing/5 Squats Winning
Drop Disk – 5 Merkins

Follow w/ Target Practice – Rules are simple keep throwing the football until a reasonable distance to the target. Then thrown an “approach”.

Every throw until the “approach” – 5 Burpees, 5 Merkins, 5 Big Bois
Every missed approach – 10 monkey humpers
Every successful approach – glory

Circle of Trust (COT): Count-o-rama and nam–o-rama
Book: Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni
#5 Putting the individual or group ahead of the team.
YHC remind the pax of the importance of prioritizing the Team of the individual or group. The Team being defined as the collection of groups made of individuals.
When we prioritize our self or the sub-unit of the team to which we primarily belong, we end up hurting the team as a whole.
Creating loyalty to the team rather than work unit, prioritizing the team over self are hallmarks of highly successful teams.
Team Gas Bags faced off against Team Splash House. The game was close, aggressive, fast paces, and ridiculous. After approximately 30 minutes of play team Gas Bags was victorious with a score of 4-2.
We had 2x injuries today. Crawdad forgot the rules of ultimate football and attempted to tackle The Bolt. He didn’t know that the 2.0s on Team Gas Bags are not just tough, but uber-tough. When Crawdad attempted to bulldoze The Jet, he found himself running flying through the air after a series of faster-than-light Judo moves that put Crawdad on his face. Ultimately, Crawdad walked away with just a flesh wound.
Who knew there were so many lefties in our fellowship.
Spashdown successfully disrupted the entire name-o-rama with his modified age count of “Twenty-two and a half”. YHC was severely confused because after this few PAX were able to successfully repeat their Hospital Name, Age, and F3 Name. Most forgot their hospital name. Leading me to believe that others suffered the more severe head trauma than Crawdad.
These are the events as I recollect them and they are 100% accurate.
#FNG100 is still going. We are at 68 with the addition of The Zyzos. Its been a hot minute since the last FNG. Keep your EH’ing going!!
1st F events:
2nd F events:
Today, the 22nd Oct. Men’s only event. Gas Station’s house -2005 Mission Rd. Yard games, beverages, coupon stenciling, and shovel flag building.
Bring $$ for pizza.
3rd F events:

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